P.A. Straubinger Spotlight on P.A. Straubinger Investigative Journalist, Filmmaker, Creator of ``In the Beginning there was Light`` documentary "Supernatural Powers" - Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Breatharianism, and more! * Meet P.A. Straubinger & Continue the Fascinating Exploration! * P.A. Straubinger 1/6 "Questioning the Materialistic Worldview" P.A. Straubinger 2/6 "Did the Textbooks Lie to us?" P.A. Straubinger 3/7 "Trust your own experiences" P.A. Straubinger 4/6 "Share your authentic experience" P.A. Straubinger 5/6 "What do we really 'need'?" P.A. Straubinger 6/6 "Supernatural Abilities happen 'Naturally'" * Continue the fascinating exploration with Peter! *